

Airglow Challenge 1

In the spirit of in-person conferences returning, our love of CTFs, and to celebrate the first conference Airglow Security gets to sponsor (BSides Canberra 2021), Airglow's Head of Security Testing has built a challenge just for fun.

Find the secret code to rank on our leaderboard!
This is an easy/moderate level reverse engineering challenge, we'd encourage everyone to give it a try and hope you enjoy it.

The prize is an extremely limited digital token representing a trophy as an NFT. The first solver will get the only First Blood trophy, first ten solvers get one of 10 solver trophies!
If you can solve the challenge during BSides Canberra 2021, find us to win a autographed napkin by the Director of Airglow Security... or something more useful like a beverage on us!

Good luck and have fun!

Airglow Challenge #1 Leaderboard
Date Solved
#1 Justin Steven @justinsteven 06/05/21
#2 will you be the second solver? TBA